Manifest Boston Stories

Can Artists Change the City?

Written by Kate Clinton | Oct 13, 2018 8:21:37 PM

Can artists change the city? Yes, according to numerous artists from Boston AIR—Boston’s Artists-in-Residence program who gathered in our Ideas Dome today to talk about how they’re improving our communities through their art.

Environmental racism, female empowerment in the workplace, substance abuse, nurturing familial relationships within incarcerated families and helping older generations lead healthy and productive were just a few of the topics explored by the speakers.

When discussing a quilting project in a program helping women recover from opioid addiction, the speakers emphasized how the work fostered a personal connection between these women that they might not have had otherwise.

This was a common theme in all the projects discussed, with the artists also highlighting how art can bring awareness to causes often ignored by society and unite and inspire people to action.

To learn more about the Boston AIR program and some of the featured artists’ initiatives, click here.